Education and Training



Department of Safety and Environmental Compliance


Education and Training Program

Education and Training is an integral part of the safety and environmental compliance program.

The department's training specialist, Lisa Cobb, is available to provide training on a variety of safety topics for any university or hospital department. Please contact her to discuss arrangements. There is no charge to departments for training services.

Lisa Cobb
Phone: (251) 460-6677

Online Lab Training is available.

Please submit the following information in order to be enrolled in Online Lab Training:


Please click the checkbox below to complete user verification.



Advanced IATA Training - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Film List - List of videos and CD's that may be checked out from the Department of Safety and Environmental Compliance at CSAB 336 by contacting Lisa Cobb.

Hazardous Materials General Awareness Training - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Hazardous Waste Management Fact Sheet - PowerPoint Presentation

Healthcare Strategies Medical Waste Packaging - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Lab Safety and Chemical Waste Management Refresher Fact Sheet and Sign Off (PDF)

Loading of Non-Bulk Packagings & IBC's - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Multi-Modal Shipping Papers - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Selection & Purchase of Non-Bulk & IBC Packaging - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Toolbox Talk Topics

Use of Dry Ice in Shipping - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

