2024 Jaguar Drumline Audition Packet Now Available

Posted on February 2, 2024 by Dr. Will Petersen
Dr. Will Petersen

2023 Jaguar Drumline Bass Drums data-lightbox='featured'
2023 Jaguar Drumline Bass Drums

The 2024 Jaguar Drumline Audition Packet has now been released!  Students who have signed up for an audition will receive the audition packet in the email they registered with or can download the packet directly from the link below.  Auditions for the Jag Drumline will occur on Saturday, April 20, 2024 on the campus of the University of South Alabama!  We encourage all interested students to audition!  

The Jaguar Drumline is the heartbeat of the Jaguar Marching Band and one of the most visible and audible units within the JMB.  Each accepted member of the JDL receives a $2100.00 scholarship that increases for every year of service in the band.  Music majors and minors auditioning in percussion are eligible for additional scholarship opportunities both in the JMB and with Department of Music scholarship opportunities!

Download the audition packet and sign up for to audition below!

Happy practicing and GO JAGS!


Register to Audition for the 2024 Jaguar Drumline!


2024 Jaguar Drumline Audition Packet


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