
  • Dr. Wooster speaks at club meeting.
  • Pre-OT Club participates in psychosocial activity.
  • Pre-OT Club receives their club t-shirts.
  • Pre-OT Club participates in annual Buddy Walk.

What Undergraduate Major Should You Select?

Students may major in any discipline in their undergraduate program. In addition to degree requirements for the chosen major, students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Occupational Therapy must complete a variety of prerequisite coursework. It is important that you refer to the programs that you are interested in applying to in order
to learn about prerequisite requirements. The University of South Alabama OT prerequisite requirements can be found on the OT Admissions web page.

The American Occupational Therapy Association provides students with job outlook and career advising. The Occupational Therapy Program at the University of South Alabama accepts students from all majors and encourages students to pursue diverse degrees. As with all pre-health students, we advise that you consider career options available to you when you select your undergraduate major. Would you enjoy working in this field if you decided occupational therapy was not your ultimate career goal?

Please refer to the American Occupational Therapy Association website for information regarding the profession as well as undergraduate major advice.

Pre-OT Club

Do you want to know more about occupational therapy? This month in the Pre-OT club we are having mock interviews to prepare students for the interview process of getting into grad school.

Come for the fun, food and information!

When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 6:30

Where: Allied Health building in room 2024

Follow our Instagram @southpreot and check the Daily Digest for more information regarding
future meeting dates and discussion topics!
Need more information? Contact Dr. Somerville at


Pre-OT Advising

For Pre-OT advising, see Academic Advising.


