I am aware of the following misprints in the Fourth Edition First Printing (2002) of "Digital Logic Design". These are corrected in the second impression (May 2003). If you find any more misprints, please e-mail me at the address given on my homepage, http://www.southalabama.edu/facultypages/rcwoods/index.htm Page iv (there is no number on the page, it is opposite the first Contents page), "Brian" is spelt incorrectly in the Copyright declaration. Page 17, 4 lines from the bottom, "-13" should be "+13" Page 38, in figure 2.21, labels (a) and (b) are omitted from the two halves of the diagram. The left half should be labelled (a) and the right half should be labelled (b). Page 253, line 18, delete "2" after "makes". Page 335, caption to Fig. 11.9, delete hyphen. Page 366, Problem 11.4, in the list of numbers 42 is incorrect and should read 43. Page 367, line 14, "Progammable" should read "Programmable". Page 415, line 4, "g2" should read "g3". Page 418, in the table, column 2 line 3 should read "v = 0, => C = 1", not "v = 0, => C = 0". Page 488, line 1, insert 9.11 at the top of the page by the diagram.