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Summer Internship Applications to work with Dr. R.C. Woods

Currently I can consider applications for student summer internships (i.e., two or three months of research experience during the summer vacation from mid-May to mid-August) supervised by me ONLY from students who satisfy the following:

Students who can provide confirmation at the time of making an application that all expenses (including relocation and local travel, University fees, any visa fees, and maintenance) will be (or are anticipated to be) paid by a family or independent source(s) either already awarded or arranged by the student or currently under consideration by an awards body following an application previously submitted or an application planned for submission very soon by the student (e.g., scholarship, travel grant, private funds).

If you are in one of the above categories, please send a brief ASCII TEXT ONLY (no attachments or HTML) message to me at the e-mail address given on my home page (click below) with subject line "Independently supported summer intern application". In this message give details of your current studies including in what subject you are majoring, how far you have progressed in your degree program, and any specialist courses you have taken. Also, list full contact details of three referees (name, address, telephone, fax if available, e-mail, url) who know your work well.

Unfortunately, at the moment I can consider only student summer intern applicants falling into one of the categories listed above.

If you want to be supervised by other professors, contact those professors directly taking into account any directions on those professors' webpages (if available).

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This page maintained by Dr. R.C. Woods Secure image of e-mail address of Dr. Woods and last updated January 30, 2025

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